olive knows where the food is and will "ask" for it.
olive knows how to load dad's foam dart gun.
and is really good at it.
olive has been walking with help...
but just recently...
started doing it on her own.
olive loves eating meals and snacks...
and now can hold and drink from her own cup.
olive cannot but thinks she can....
climb. (notice the frustration face when she can't find a foothold on her dad's leg. even if she did she wouldn't know what to do with it)
this is nothing in particular but...
a cute progression of falling down.
olive loves her daddy. this is not new but because of summer time has grown tremendously.
olive is fascinated by mommy brushing her teeth.
olive likes to sword fight with dad.
olive can stand by herself no problem.
olive has just learned how to go from sitting...
to standing....
then walking.
olive loves to bounce the ball and throw it to you.
olive has gotten so good at walking!
she is so grown up. she can say mom, dad, grrr (when asked what sound a bear makes) and fish.
olive has figured out how to stand on her head and does it a lot.
she has 3 full bottom teeth with one just in and one full top tooth with one just in.
again with the standing on her head.
this world is about to get even more busy... i have the feeling.