Tuesday, November 24, 2009

just the obbs

olive's highlight real as of late.

still loving her books. she is really into this one here. look at that belly.

about to take a walk with mom and clover.

she had a phase where she was in love with sitting in front of this basket. daniel's mom made it and we use it for guest room toiletries and such. one day we realized she was reaching for it and when we sat her down in front of it she shreaked with delight. she will look at the contents but not touch them. she mainly runs her hands all over the basket. when she grabs the handle she smiles from ear to ear and beams. gives my heart so much joy just to see her so happy. i think she is just admiring gram's amazing craftsmanship :-). 

olive is getting restless and wants to be upright all the time. "reclining is for babies" she says. so i tried her in the johnny jump up we are borrowing from beth. she can't touch the floor yet, but she sure loved using it as a big girl swing.

her hair was getting so long in the front, i thought maybe she could wear a small barrette. i tried it and it looked so darn cute.

such a sweet little lady!

daddy and olive

there is just something about daniel spending time with olive. every time they are together i always run for my camera. so many precious things happen. i always thought daniel was the most handsome man, seeing him as a father has made him even more so.

olive and daddy and a mouse baking cookies.

you see daddy mouse likes making cookies. he says the best cookie is the one you share with a friend.

can we read it again?

waiting for dinner.

come home cuddles.

a little before-bed aviation.

getting late....

and cuddly.

they aren't reading the dictionary together. daniel just wanted to look up a word we were debating over.

olive says "i already know all those words daddy"

thanksgiving card

olive's great grandma and great grandaddy williams sent her a thanksgiving day card.

i showed it to her and she was amazed. she grinned from ear to ear.

she looked over the entire thing, front, middle, back. she scrunched her nose and scratched it's surfaces.

she played with that card for the longest time. just goes to show, you never know what will be fascinating to a little one. thanks grandma and grandaddy!

oh christmas tree

yes, i know, a little early for the tree to be up in mid november. i had been badgering daniel about letting us put it up, because christmas is my very most favorite. he surprised me and put it up when i went to a doctor's appt. what a husband!

olive loves the tree. we don't have ornaments on it yet, but she loves looking at the lights and petting the tree.

clover says "none of this could be possible without me".

and she is up, well... at right angles

yes, this is how the day started. you never know with this one.

after some practice and a lot of concentration, olive sat on her own!

i couldn't have been more proud!

yep... next week will be college.


being 6 mo old brings about a lot of new growth. olive can now sit in her high chair.

she has graduated from rice cereal to her orange veggies.

she loves her carrots and sweet potatoes. bring it on, she says!

waking up

waking up is hard to do.

oh wait... i think i have got it!

yes i am awake and ready for silliness!

olive's daddy-made blocks

i told daniel olive could use some blocks for developmental stages coming up and in true daniel fashion he made some and brought them home to olive.

at first she wasn't quite sure what to do with them.

i started to knock them together and that got her interest.

she tried the same.

now she loves her blocks. they are just her size to pick up and play with. good job daddy!


my mom was at the christian bookstore and spotted this sweet little baby bracelet.

she thought olive just had to have it.

she of course models it like a lady.

it will be a great keepsake for miss olive.