Thursday, October 15, 2009

wood family visit

(clover is not so sure about all these visits to see olive- what is she chopped liver? "mmm..."she says "where is the chopped liver?")

mom was inspired by the williams trip and when she had a few days off in a row she brought grandma wood, who had also never seen olive.

and plus mom was missing the little bug too.

mom got olive laughing quite a bit. she knows how to be silly really well!

4 generations of ladies- how special!

grandma wood loved seeing olive! and of course olive loved grandma wood, like everyone else does.

mom was sure to soak up olive on her short visit.

olive was fascinated by grandma wood- she can be silly too!

getting in some last minute snuggles before having to head back the next morning.

olive loves her grandma moo!

it was such a special visit!