Friday, July 31, 2009

a short vacation does a body (and mind) good

we decided to take a short vacation and go to indianapolis for a couple of days. after three hours we were there. after we got settled into the hotel we went to garfield park's sunken gardens.

the grounds were very beautiful. olive was impressed. sleepy but impressed.

getting some time in the shade of a tree with daddy.

the happy family.

perfect picture of summer.

after walking around a little olive needed time to settle into a nap.

it was a great afternoon in the gardens. we grabbed some food and headed back to the hotel.

the next morning we had breakfast at the hotel and headed to the reason we came to indianapolis- the indianapolis museum of art. we were so excited to get there!

we had fun walking around the grounds looking at the outdoor sculpture and gardens.

well... most of us did.

once inside olive took a little nap while daniel and i started looking around.

art museums are so soothing :-).

this painting made me think of the love between me and the baby bug.

after a little while olive woke back up. i picked her up and gave her an up close view of the renaissance paintings (the wing we were in).

she was fascinated. she stayed very quiet and just took it all in.

the museum was magnificent and worth the trip.

that night (our last night there) we got dressed up to go out to eat.

phew- how handsome is this guy?

of course we had to get some pics of clover.

she was fully prepared to ham it up as usual.

olive looked beautiful to go out on our dinner date.
she is a little uninterested in this pic.

sweet little lady.

we had the best time on our trip. olive was so well behaved and daniel and i had so much fun. it was just what we needed for a little summer getaway! 

morning chats

olive is always in a good mood...

especially in the morning.

we have some real good chats then.


now this is a cozy nap!

so beary cute

olive before church wearing a dress great grandma sent her.

lal open

daddy's got work in the lal open. we are going to the opening.

olive loved looking at the paintings.

we are so proud of daniel, his work and his drive!

Friday, July 24, 2009

is this changing table fascinating or is it just me?

there is a certain someone who loves her changing table. hundreds of faces and conversations will ensue when she lays on this foam wonderland.

one of daddy's pieces hangs over it and has a black edge that she loves to look at.

it never fails to capture her attention.

it doesn't get better than this!

hanging with the 'rents

this is after a great mommy-olive walk through the neighborhood. we talked about the flowers, mailboxes, birds, puppies around us. the little bug was enthralled.

time with daddy before bed time. he is busy busy busy. but he always makes time to spend with his girls.

tummy time... a success

olive hates tummy time. so we are trying it in a lesser variety- the boppy.

on this occasion it was a success- we were so proud!

and as soon as it began it was over. back to laying low and sucking fists. a triumph while it lasted.