okay i know it has been forever since we have updated our blog, so here is what has been going on. Daniel is busy as ever. He just got accepted into a really prestigious show called the International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition. Out of the entire world of sculptor applicants they only choose 150 to be in a show in Hawaii. Daniel was among the 150. We are so very proud of him. Once the show goes up they will choose 40 to travel around the world in a traveling exhibition. That opportunity would be wonderful as it would gain him a lot of exposure he may not have gotten otherwise, but we will see. He is still enjoying teaching and is involved in seemingly every aspect of the college. Deep, deep, deep into the world of vespa restoration he has fallen as he restores his pk50. He is really enjoying it and it is looking oh so beautiful. Leave it to Daniel to take on something he knows absolutely nothing about and make it brilliant. He is amazing! check out his blog on the vespa : www.mypk50.blogspot.com
My restoration business has not gone as well as I thought it would. Everyone who finds out I restore photos gets excited and says they have something they would like to have restored, but they never follow through. I think the economy as it is now just does not allow people to spend money on things they dont absolutely need. Most people see that service more of a luxury than a necessity (although I feel differently), so it has not taken off as I expected. In the meantime I have taken on to a new venture....something else I have always wanted to do- my own online store. Right now I am selling my wearable knit/crochet work. It is going well- it allows me a creative outlet and a chance to sell the product. The site is very user friendly and I can't think of a better way to sell online! To check out the site: www.visionsofsugarplum.etsy.com. I have also just recently finished my goal I set out for myself a year ago, which was to read the bible cover to cover. Wow- what an amazing journey! I have learned so much and loved all the different stories, people and writing styles. Definately something I would recommend to everyone! The bible is not a dusty boring book like it is often portrayed- it is living and breathing and I guarantee it will hold your attention if you give it a shot!
We are both getting so excited about Christmas- our most favorite time of year.
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