we are 36 weeks along. i have had some relief from the constant backache and sore joints which is very welcomed. she is constantly growing and jumbling up in my ribs.
at our recent appt we learned a lot. we had to do an ultrasound to see if she is still breech, which she is. as usual she had her hands up at her face, but this time she added another appendage. we couldn't get a good pic of her face because she had her hands and FOOT in front of it. here you can see her hands together with her fingers tangled and her foot below them, big toe tucked behind arm. we watched her wiggle her fingers and toes, and her grab her foot all in front of her face. we laughed and laughed.
since she is still breech they scheduled a c-section for may 22. there is still opportunity for her to flip if she really wants, but i don't feel like she will. my blood pressure was high this week so they monitored us for 20 min and took some blood. i will go back in a few days to check it again to see if it was a one-time problem or something that needs to be addressed.
so what we are left with is this: if nothing changes she will be here may 22 by c-section. if she flips we will do this traditionally. if my blood pressure becomes a problem they will take her sooner. if i go into labor before may 22, they will do a c-section at that time. so only the Lord knows what will happen this month, but we definately know may will be interesting.
beth, mom and noah bug came in for a quick visit on easter weekend. in saturday...out sunday.
it was so amazing to see them. mom and beth both looked so beautiful.
when they got here we had soup i had made for lunch.
then i cut beth's hair. feels like old times. :-)
noah LOVED uncle daniel from the time he saw him. if daniel was in the room noah wanted him to be holding him or playing with him. when daniel would enter a room noah would run to him with his arms in the air. daniel would pick him up and noah would hug him and pat his back. pretty much the cutest thing you have ever seen.
the sun was shining on saturday so we took noah to the park so he could run and play.
he tried a few of the attractions...
like the swings, but....
mainly just wanted to play with the wood chips the whole time :-).
mom and daniel tried their hand at the standing see saw. it was hilarious!
while they were here we had a wedding to go to. we both went to the wedding and daniel represented us at the reception so i could get back to our special guests. it was actually very convenient because mom and beth and brought me this dress as a gift, so i had something very pretty to wear.
beth and i went to eat thai while mom watched noah at home. when we got back mom had bathed noah and got him ready for bed. i had to get some pictures of him in this unbelievable cute monkey sleeper.
noah doing his yoga before bed. :-)
sunday was low-key. noah wasn't feeling super great so we just hung out at the house.
grandma and noah had fun playing with his fish.
not long after noah going full speed all morning he tuckered out for a little nap. we had lunch and then they headed out. it was a very short visit but it was so wonderful to see my girls and little fella and spend some time together!
we had an ultrasound appt with our normal checkup at 33 weeks because the doctor wanted to be sure that the cysts that were spotted in her brain at 18-23 weeks were completely gone. with God's blessings they are completely gone and we have one healthy girl on our hands. the technician very graciously flipped it into 3d and gave us these wonderful pics of our little one on the way.
every ultrasound we have had she has had her hands up by her face so this is no exception. these were the other bits of info we were told at our ultrasound:
she is currently 4lb 12oz and if born full term she will be a little over 7 lbs. the technician said "she has a beautiful heart" which was referring to how perfectly formed it was, but i take that two ways :-). her belly was full at the appt and the tech said "oh she must have just eaten" :-). the lady also said she can tell that she has hair- not in the 3d but in the 2d- which we were surprised she was able to tell. we weren't surprised that she had hair since that runs in my family. the one thing that mildly surprised us is that she is currently in breech position. but she has some time to turn on her own, which they said most will do. which explains the amazingly sharp sensations i have been getting very low and the probing in my ribs, as her feet are down and her head is in my ribs. they will check at 36 weeks to see if she has flipped. if not they said they will talk to us about manually flipping her or c-section. but like they said she has a few weeks to make the transition on her own so we shall see.
i love her little pout in this pic. it was the last one, she was probably sulking because we had been messing with her so long :-). the technician said "she is a beautiful baby" which of course we could've told her without seeing her, but of course we are a little biased. we cannot wait to meet her soon but we have been so fortunate to see her along the way as much as we have. i had a dream that i was going to have her may 15 instead of may 29. so everyone keep the prayers coming as we could have a sweet girl in our arms anywhere from 4-7 weeks from now!
i love my husband so much. we can do the simplest things together and have the best time.
we had a day that felt very much like spring and decided to take clover, pack some sandwiches and go for a picnic. it was perfect weather for graham afternoon in the park.
we were so excited to receive a visit from brad and sarah. it was so amazing to see them because it had been forever! we had frickles at fava's, went to the japanese gardens, toured the horse farms and ate brownies! we laughed a lot and had the best time hanging out, just the four of us. much gratitude to sarah and brad for making the long trip- it meant the world to us!
we met in 2003, married in 2004 and have loved every minute. God blessed us further in may 2009 with the birth of our daughter olive adelaide. together with our doxie clover, we are one happy family.