Sunday, March 29, 2009

hannah's shower

miss hannah decided to throw us a lovely shower.
she had lots of goodies for us to snack on.

a bunch of people from the art dept came. it was so great. 

liz, abi and daniel.

everyone had fun hanging out and chatting.

jason, rachel, becca and laura.

we were given so many thoughtful gifts.

thank you so much to all who came, showered us with blessings, and shared this joy with us!

kristin and darrell.

even evy made an appearance and entertained us all with her unique army crawl.

ashley, daniel, hannah, me and little one.

we had the best time. thank you so much hannah for throwing such a great shower that we will always remember and appreciate. 

mail call

due to the fact that i am very pregnant and a lot of people did not want me traveling 8.5 hours into VA for a shower, mom and beth came up with a great idea. they threw me a "shower-in-the-mail". we got presents in the mail and in person this week and opened them this weekend. we were so overwhelmed with how generous people are and how God is providing for us through the kindness of family and friends. thank you so very much to all who participated. our hearts swell with gratitude!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

japanese gardens

daniel is on spring break this week. yesterday we took advantage of the nice weather and went to the japanese gardens. it was very quiet and peaceful there. we got to walk around and talk and just really enjoy our day together. 

cuz he is just so handsome

now you listen to me

one saturday before heading in to putz around lexington. 

time out to talk to the little one.

sometimes she needs a strict talking-to if she isn't cutting mom slack in there, which is often.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

28 wks

i am now 28 weeks. 

soon enough we will be able to begin the 10wk, 9wk, 8wk...count down.

we just recently took our birthing class which was super helpful and informative. i think it made us both feel better about labor and delivery.

now it is just time to wait. this is her time to shine as she will be putting on weight exponentially over the next weeks. grow little one, grow.

we will be waiting for you with anxious hearts.

hello third trimester

God is so good. i am in my third trimester. 
here are the developments: yes my stomach is this big and yes my belly button is sticking out. i am feeling like there is no more room for this little girl to grow. but i know i have got time left still- how is it going to work i wonder? 

i haven't had too many complications except having some low back pain, pain in my belly's round ligaments and some pain as she likes to reside up under my right ribs and push on them. the kicks are pretty crazy now and when she moves my stomach looks like a flag blowing in the wind- how crazy is this experience? i have had some joint pain in my hands and wrists. they say that horomones cause loosening of your joints which can fill up with water. aside from those things i am feeling pretty good! no matter what i am feeling right now i count it all as joy for the little blessing on her way in may!

my plan before "baby" comes to my house

here is what i have to say...ive got a little time before this so-called "baby" gets here. i am going to use this time to stock up on the necessities. i would recommend this plan to all other furry members of families awaiting one of these "babies" .
1. get as much love as you can...

2. get as many toys as you can (big props to aunt beth for sending me this one)...

3. get as much food as you can.... as you can see i am skilled... i have found the motherload. i feel prepared for may...yes very prepared. you have to be smart about these things.

february haps

besides our great valentines date, february held some neat things. mom came to visit for a few days. why i do not have photos of this visit is beyond me. i guess because we were so busy. we had lots of fun running around town and visiting. i have been working on some photo projects and getting ready for the little one to come. i have been reading books about pregnancy, labor and afterwards... trying to get as educated as i can. making lists, getting everything lined up, trying to be sure things are in order and all that. i guess i figure the more i can throw myself into it and the more prepared and aware i feel the less stressful it will be.
daniel has of course been ever so busy at work and with is free time working with pk, the vespa he is restoring. after at least a year he finally has it almost completely done. the newest development is he has it running!!! yay! we were so excited. he took it on a ride around the block and the look of glee on his face was priceless! he has worked so very hard and his hard work is finally paying off.
he just has little stuff to tie up. we went and got him a helmet since he will soon be riding it. sadly though, not long after these pics were taken he had a major setback...which you can read about on his vespa blog . but no matter how far set back he is now, the day he got to ride it for the first time was a glorious day. i couldn't have been more proud of him and all his hard work!

valentine's day date in cincinnati

for valentine's day this year we thought we should do something special as it will be the last year with just daniel and i to plan around. 

so we decided to drive to cincinnati to the cincinnati museum center. at the center they have an omnimax screen on which they were featuring cirque du soleil's journey of man.

neither of us had been to an omnimax or imax screening so we were very excited. we didn't know what to expect. we were thoroughly amazed by the whole experience.

every awe inspiring performance took up your entire vision on the dome. you could not get away from it. when it was over we found ourselves wanting to see more.

it was certainly an experience that we were so thankful for and will not soon forget.