Saturday, September 11, 2010

he is simply amazing

so my husband is simply amazing.

he works so unbelievably hard. he wakes up earlier than is natural, goes to work and works so hard for his employers, his students, his colleagues and his GOD. he goes above and beyond on a daily basis with class, his own artwork, students, committees, special projects... the list goes on and on. but even better than his work ethic is his devotion to his family. everyone at work knows he checks out at 500 so he can come home to his family. he tries to come home for either breakfast or lunch on a daily basis because he wants to see his family and make them a priority. he is incredible. he is currently in indiana after a long work week where he has taken down 2.5 shows in louisville, had a consultation for a commissioned piece in indiana and doing a demonstration and show at another venue there. he will drive back late tonight rather than stay the night there because he wants to be back with his family. that is the type of man he is.

just because he deserves everyone to know: daniel is an incredible husband, father, and steward of GOD's gifts, talents and resources. he binds our family together like no other could. he leads us in a way that puts me in awe and loves me in a way i could never fathom. he is so very precious to us. thank you Lord Jesus for this man.

learning and growing all the time

miss olive is now 16 months. and she is incredible!

always into something.

still loves to walk the house... and the dart gun.

her reach is getting higher and higher... constantly surprising us.

she has gotten more affectionate. she will give kisses regularly and now the occasional hug.
and she always loves being held.

oh and she is beautiful.

still loves bracelets.

and outside. she especially likes calling for clover from the back door. she can't say clover but she repeats the tonalities in syllables that our voices make when we call her.

she walks to the door...

leans out like we do... and hollers clover's name (her version) until she comes in.

such a sweetness.

she also LOVES dogs these days. the neighbor out back sometimes has his yorkie in the yard. olive likes to go watch her over the fence. he also has birdfeeders so she gets to watch the birds too. it's win-win as far as olive is concerned.

still loves her phones. and i love listening to her "conversations" that she has as she walks around the house. it is so cute and amazing what they pick up from us.

i rarely ever pay full price for clothes for olive b/c she so rapidly grows out of them. but this t-shirt was an exception. it has little suspenders, glasses, and a pocket protector with pens in it. come on- how cute is this?

olive's hair was burning her up. she is so sensitive to heat and any time you touched her neck it was so hot. and it would occasionally break out in heat rash. i figured i would trim it up for two-fold: to cool her off for the end of summer and get rid of some of the ratty ends that had formed from so many layers growing out. this is nice and healthy and, if we choose to grow out in the fall/winter, will grow out nicely.

but i sure love this little lady in a bob. it just seems to fit her.

getting ready to go to a labor day cookout.

we got the corn on the cob? check!

sometimes olive walks around the house like this- with her hands behind her back. and i think it is safe to say it is the cutest thing ever.

ok- let's go to the cookout already!

alright- i am coming back.

make her smile, dad.

... and dip....
(sidenote: you are looking at the most handsome man living)

that oughta do it.

daddy was a genius and brought home a sewing kit he found left at his shop. he removed everything except the six colorful spools of thread. it was in a clear little purse-like bag that zipped. and she was completely in love.

she unloaded it.... lined up the spools upright...

and put them back in....

one hundred times.

she is so special.

just looked too precious.

again with the sewing kit.

olive has a few words under her belt: mom, dad, fish (her version), grrr (for bear), clover (as previously mentioned).... and as of late ball, and get! she cracks me up. she will got to her cooler/snack table and point to the kitchen and say "get" as in "go get me a little snack". she will go to the sofa where her blanket is out of reach and say "get". which i love, even though it lacks good manners, just because she is communicating what she needs/wants. i think it is amazing.

she loves playing on sofas/futons under close watchful eyes.

and she is super silly.

olive loves everything about being out in the sunroom and will go out there in any opportunity that the door is open.

loosing her britches.

one day i was cleaning and moving this basket gram made from one room to another. in the transition olive picked up the basket and had a hay day. she was captivated. we put leroy in it and she played forever.

this little jumper i got from a yard sale and i thought in combination with her little haircut she looked like she was ready for an adventure.

good ol trusty security blanket. still has to go everywhere with her.

sewing kit, you are magnificent.

blanket... sunroom.

mom i am telling you the grass just looks too dry.

as olive has appeared quite bored with her at home activities we have recently had to become creative. i went to the store and got sidewalk chalk, finger paint and stickers. we have also built a fort. here is olive in her sidewalk chalk glory.

we also use this paintbrush and paint stuff outside with water. or mommy in this case.

her dr suggested getting her a play dr kit to lessen her fear of dr's visits. so we followed suit. she is feeling it out. the other day she picked up the stethoscope, smooshed it between her chin and chest and walked around the house that way... assuming she had it on correctly. cutest thing. i was sure to praise her.

a blood pressure cuff? come on mom- i am one. wait, is this a bracelet?

yeah, this is our life. and it is glorious.